PUBLICATIONS S.No. Topic 1. Retention of Maxillary Molars with class III Furcation involvement Utilizing Glass…

Periodontics Publication

S.No. Topic
1. Retention of Maxillary Molars with class III Furcation involvement Utilizing Glass – Ionomer : Two case Reports J Contem Dent Pract 2005 ; (6) 4 160—16
2. Treatment of Adjacent Gingival Recessions with the Modified Tunnel Technique – A Case Report. J Indian Soc Periodont. 2005; 8; 33-37.
3. A Clinical Evaluation of An organic Bovine Bone Graft Plus 10% collagen with or without a Barrier in the Treatment of class II Furcation Defects. J Contem Dent Pract 2006; (7) 1: 60-70.
4. Aesthetic Crown Lengthening. Malaysian Dent J 2006; 27(2):179
5. Is anti-platelet therapy interruption a real clinical issue? Its implications in dentistry and particularly in periodontics. J Indian Soc Periodontol. 2009;13:121-5
6. Applications of CBCT in periodontal practice. Deccan Dent J Nov-Dec 2009:11-16
7. Restoration of discoloured teeth with ceramic laminate veneers. Indian Dent Advanc 2009;1(1):76-77.
8. To compare reduction of plaque and gingivitis between three toothpaste formulations. Indian Dent Res Review2009; 76-78.
9. Pigmentation and depigmentation. J Indian Dent Assoc 2009; 1: 34-38.
10. Role of dentifrice in plaque removal: A clinical trial Indian J Dent Res.2010;21(21):3-7
11. Horizontal alveolar bone loss: A periodontal orphan. J Indian Soc Periodontol. 2010;14:181-5
12. Has polishing lost its shine?-Deccan Dent J.2010; 17-21
13. Application of glass reinforced hydroxyapatite composite in the treatment of human intrabony periodontal angular defects – Two case reports. Solid State Phenomena. 2010;161:93-101
14. Knowledge, Attitude and Practice towards personal protective measures adapted by dental practitioners in Hyderabad city – a cross infection control measure. J Indian Assoc Public Health Dent. 2010:15:1-4
15. Oral Health awareness among the Anganwadi workers in Karimnagar district. J Indian Assoc Public Health Dent. 2010:15:5-8
16. Antibacterial effect of six indigenous plant products on periodontopathic bacteria. J Dent Sci Res. 2010;1:1-5
17. Papillon Lefevre syndrome: Two case reports in a family. J Indian Acad Oral Med Radiol. 2010; 22(1):57-59
18. Role of dentifrice in plaque removal: A clinical trial. Indian J Dent Res. 2010;21:213-7
19. Orofacial Myiasis of the Gingiva and Nasal Cavity- A report of two cases and general review. J Periodontol. 2011;82:1383-1388
20. Syndromes as they relate to periodontium. Periodontology 2000 2011; 56: 65-86.
21. Oral health related quality of life in periodontal patients in Indian Rural population: Does it rally impact and relevant to all types of populations ? J Indian Assoc Public Health Dent .2011; 17(2) 639-644.
22. Periodontal disease and adverse pregnancy outcomes-The oral foetal connection. J Gynaecol Surg. 2011; 27:1-4.
23. Volumetric analysis of intrabony defects in aggressive periodontitis patients following use of a novel composite alloplast: a pilot study. Quintessence Int.2011;42(5):375-84.
24. Volumetric analysis of intrabony defects in aggressive periodontitis patients following use of a novel composite alloplast: a pilot study. Quintessence Int.2011;42(5):375-84.
25. In dental- Office screening for diabetes mellitus using gingival crevicular blood- A painless alternative. Dentalight 2011; 1(2): 34-40
26. Multicentre, randomized clinical trial on efficacy and safety of recombinant human platelet-derived growth factor rhPDGF-BB) with β-TCP in human intraosseous periodontal defects. J Clin Periodontol. 2011;38:163-72
27. The micronucleus test to evaluate cytogenetic damage in patients with periodontitis. J Periodontol Implant Dentistry 2012;4(2):29-33
28. Advances in periodontal drug delivery systems. Inter J Novel Drug Delivery Tech 2012; 2 (1) :271-275
29. Comparison between CHX and Herbal mouthwash in reduction of plaque and gingivitis- A clinical study. J Indian Den Assoc 2012; 4: 36-40.
30. Periodontal findings in oral submucous fibrosis patients and comet assay of affected gingival epithelial cells. J Periodontol. 2012 ;83:1038-1047
31. Novel strategies in the treatment of periodontal disease. J Indian Soc Periodontol. 2012;16: 4-10
32. A randomized, double-blind clinical study to assess the antiplaque and antigingivitis efficacy of Aloe vera mouth rinse. J Indian Soc Periodontol 2012; 16(4): 543–548
33. Efficacy of modified minimally invasive surgical technique in the treatment of human intrabony defects with or without use of rhPDGF-BB gel – a randomized controlled trial. J Clin Periodontol 2013; 40:172-179.
34. Evaluation of locally delivered 10% doxycycline gel in the treatment of chronic periodontitis. Malaysian Dent J 2013;5(6):88-92
35. Estimate of CRP and TNF-Alpha level before and after periodontal therapy in cardiovascular disease. Pan African Medical J
36. Association of dentin hypersensitivity with different risk factors – A cross sectional study. J Int Oral Health 2013;5(6):88-92
37. Periodontal management of Sturge Weber Syndrome. Case Reports in Dentistry (Online journal) 2013; ID 517145:1-4
38. Treatment of mucocele with diode laser. J Dental lasers.2013;7(1):43-46
39. Periodontal research: Basics and beyond- part I. J Indian Soc Periodontol 2013;17(5):565-570
40. Effects of two probiotic bacteria, and their synergism on salivary mutans streptococci of children when administered through Indian curd. Intl J Paediatric Dent 2013; 23(suppl. 1): 1-52.
41. Use of fisiograft in intrabony defects – A clinical and radiological study. J Clinical Diagnostic Res 2013.
42. Vitamin K deficiency- A review. J Res Adv dent2014; 3(1): 216-223
43. Comparative evaluation of gingival depigmentation using a surgical blade and a diode laser. J Dental Lasers 2014; 8(1):20-25.
44. Evaluation of patient perceptions after labial frenectomy procedure- a comparison of diode and scalpel technique- Eur J Gen Dent 2014; 3(2):129-133
45. Haptics in Periodontics, J Indian Soc Periodontol. 2014;18:112-15
46. Microbial role in periodontitis- have we reached the top? Some unsung bacteria other than red complex. J Indian Soc Periodontol 2014
47. Awareness among patients regarding implants as a treatment option for replacement of missing tooth in Chattisgarh. J Int Oral Health.
48. KAP assessment of oral health and adverse pregnancy outcomes among pregnant women in Hyderabad, India. Oral Health Prev Dent.
49. Periodontal therapy in Orthodontics – a case series. Int J Contem Dent 2013;4:10-20
50. Authors, authorship order, the moving finger writes. J Indian Soc Periodontol ( ahead of print version) DOI:10.4103/0972-124X.145782